Welcome to the HLH PTO!
All parents and guardians are encouraged to join the PTO. It is a great way for you to become engaged and help support our students and teachers. 100% of the membership fees stays with the school. We have many fun events planned for this year, but we need your help. Please be on the lookout for membership information coming home with your student.
For more information and updates, find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hlhpto
Executive Board Members:
President: Amanda Dooley
President Elect: Danielle Cranwell
Vice President of Membership and Volunteers: Ashley Williams
Treasurer: Jessica McGrath
Vice President of Hospitality: Autumn Coffey
Vice President of Communications: Victoria Rosenberg
Vice President of Fundraising/Community Outreach: Melissa Scott
Vice President of Special Events: Heidi Reynolds
Secretary: Open
Teacher Representative: Wendy Niday