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HLH School Quality Profile

Herman L. Horn Elementary School

1002 Ruddell Road

Vinton, VA 24019

540-857-5007 - phone

540-857-5062 - fax

We are located in the town of Vinton, VA.  

H. L. Horn AHERA Plan

The bullying contact for Herman L. Horn Elementary is the school counselor, Erica Jackson. She can be reached by phone at (540) 857-5007 ext. 50011 or email at

Julie Sandzimier, Principal

Theresa Kabath, Assistant Principal

Sherry Nicely, Bookkeeper

Brenda Mullins, Administrative Assistant

Judy Flinchum, Nurse

Mackenzie Tolliver, School Psychologist

Erica Jackson, School Counselor

Lauren Weyer, 504 Facilitator